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All-Time Top 25 Surfers

This is a purely-prestige page (no bonuses here.. that wouldn't be fair to newcomers)

Information for Surfing as of 21 July.

ID - Handle # /Sites Surfed
27 - tetraso 3565701
6 - aWolf 2722299
28 - super8v92 2247801
290 - (no handle) 2079982
122 - nagaraju 1875658
418 - ibagul2009 1695860
64 - globalcontac 1611456
419 - (no handle) 1447206
106 - RichardB 1327498
182 - dalelorenzo 1127408
5 - royco 1014788
407 - adam west1 891266
283 - (no handle) 838886
258 - ivogerva 776757
151 - Superdude 727771
15 - thisbizisbest 671142
58 - realwork 662776
297 - maeco03 613980
240 - winnerwales 611268
449 - mcmcmc 558525
343 - cleverclix 520273
184 - GreenSalesDotMe 445009
489 - httpnetpennystocks.com470402-C 422680
252 - ridarz 409312
551 - webstarmedia 402863

Total sites surfed by top-25: 29268165
Total sites surfed by all members: 49066710

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This Traffic Exchange is NOT an Internet Investment Businesses or Paid to surf site. We will not ask you to invest any money and will not pay you interest on any money you send us. When you purchase goods or services here, there will be no form of "investment" in that payment. The entire purchase price will be for the selected goods or service only!

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